Dota 2 started the battle with experienced players on the accounts of beginners

Dota 2 started the battle with experienced players on the accounts of beginners

Smurf is an experienced player who creates a new account in a competitive online game to defeat real newcomers. Too many smurfs can harm the community as a whole because new players are not inspired by constant defeats. Valve admitted that .

The map is diagonally divided by the river into two parts (from the upper left corner to the lower right corner). In the upper left corner is the base of the team of “dark” (Dire). In the lower right is the Radiant team. A particular strategy is being implemented with a set of characters, the battle for which unfolds at the pick phase / pick stage.

From each of the bases along the three tracks (lines / lines) there are creeps. Lines have their own special names. Upper – Top (Top / Toplane), central – Mid (Mid / Middlelane) and lower – Bot (Bot / Bottomlane). The upper and lower lines are also divided into complex and easy. For the Dire side, a complex lower, light upper. For Radiant, on the contrary, a light lower, complex upper. This separation is associated with two factors. On the light line in front of the first tower there is an allied forest from which you can organize an attack on an enemy hero who has come to the line (for which this line is difficult), and creeps of side lines are found just in the forest area. A tower on a complex line is located just at the border with enemy territory at the very descent to the river, while a light line tower is located a little in the depths of the union territory.


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