Treasure of the Timeless Rite released in Dota 2

Treasure of the Timeless Rite released in Dota 2

Valve has added Treasure of the Timeless Rite to the Dota 2 store. It included the “22 most popular sets” from previous chests. You can buy Treasure of the Timeless Rite for ₽129.

There are sets for Puck, Lifestealer, Pudge, Invoker, Storm Spirit, Beastmaster, Drow Ranger, Windrunner, Rubick, Outworld Devourer, Vengeful Spirit, Morphling, Teamplar Assassin and other heroes in the treasury. The chest will be available for purchase until Monday, November 11th.

In late October, Valve released the treasure of The Treasure of Twilight Procession. It included nine sets, of which two – on Clinkz and Dark Willow – are rare. You can read more about this here.


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