In Dota 2 there's a new hero — Mars

In Dota 2 there's a new hero — Mars

on March 5, the ranks of the heroes of Dota 2 joined another character — Mars. It was announced in August at the International 2018.

Discarding the indifference of the past Mars took his new entity, not burdened by the legacy of the archaic father of the Pantheon, and took up a spear with fresh forces. He vowed to destroy the remains of wild old world to build a new Empire and to truly take the reins of power over humans and gods. Mars is ready for this role: too long had he missed this chance, spending hundreds of years on the pathetic whims of Zeus.

God of war has the following abilities:



  • Spear of Mars — the Character throws a spear which pierces the first affected enemy hero and pushes him away. If after that on the way to meet a tree, building or hill, the victim nailed to the obstacle and stun.
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  • God’s Rebuke — Mars hits the shield at the enemies in front of him, pushing them and causing them critical damage from attacks. The ability deals increased damage to heroes, and she can’t miss.
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  • Bulwark — the Hero blocks with his shield of physical damage from attacks dealt from the front and sides.
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  • Arena of Blood — ultimate ability, which calls the arena with the dead from the Legion of ashes. She blocks the attack and movement of enemies. Enemy heroes inside and around the arena beat spears, knocking back and dealing damage.

Also, Valve has introduced an updated model of the character Drow Ranger.


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