Valve does not ban professional players in Dota 2 – fans of the game urged to cancel the rule

Valve does not ban professional players in Dota 2 – fans of the game urged to cancel the rule

Reddit users believe Valve should ban toxic and ruinous esports players in Dota 2. Earlier, the company began marking their accounts with “pro-player” marks, which protect against blocking due to the large number of reports.

Pusher have the ability to quickly destroy enemy buildings. Either quickly destroy enemy creeps on the line. Landscape has abilities that allow them to quickly escape from a fight or before a fight, or away from a fight. Or, on the contrary, instantly find yourself in the center of a battle and even provoke it by its unexpected appearance.

This classification reflects the individual features that make up the characters, and is official. Core Heroes gaining mass become stronger. And they begin to possess maximum efficiency in the late stages of the game. These heroes in most cases are the key to victory and the basis of team strategy. The game is built on them and from them. Typically, this is a hero with Mead (mid, center line) and Carey (Carry).


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