Dota 2 released The Outlanders update

Dota 2 released The Outlanders update

Tonight, November 26, the developers released the update “Aliens.” With him, they added two new heroes, changed the courier system and made Observer Wards free, updated the landscape and added a new type of buildings – outposts. From neutral creeps .

A merchant from the so-called Secret Store is a very important figure. Without his services, you cannot “collect” a truly powerful hero. In the training mode, beginners on special compact cards show the basics of the game. True, you cannot name exhaustive information, but this is probably even better: there will be some interesting surprises for later.

Of course, easier said than done, because the base itself and each path are well protected. Firstly, they have towers that open fire on anyone who dares to approach the distance of the shot. Secondly, from each base, at regular intervals, small detachments of computer-controlled soldiers are sent to the patrol (in the terminology of the game – “creeps”). They do not listen to the orders of the players and simply stick forward until they stumble upon an enemy or an enemy building, after which they begin to crush, break and cut. This is real cannon fodder, a living wave that you and your team ride on, like surfers wrapped in fantasy armor.


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