Dota 2 update optimized player selection and reduced search time

Dota 2 update optimized player selection and reduced search time

The update for Dota 2 affects the player selection system. Valve decided to return the single search mode to those who wanted and expanded the combinations for group selection. All this will reduce the time that players spend waiting for their rink.

There is no plot as such in Dota 2. Some event background is rooted in the world of WarCraft 3. The only thing that amateurs of past stories can amuse themselves with are small biographical summaries for each of the characters. However, knowledge of these facts in no way affects the gameplay. Engage in a fight only if you are completely sure that you can get out of it alive.

The concept, map, heroes – all this migrated to Dota 2 almost unchanged. Yes and what changes can we talk about the “bunker”? The gameplay structure is strictly defined, and any attempt to bring conceptual innovations is fraught with a loss of balance. Bearing in mind that the cart does not need a fifth wheel, Valve carefully limited itself to some cosmetic innovations.


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